Shabby blogs

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thanksgiving in Plains

We spent Thanksgiving in Plains with our good friends the Behrendts and Olsens. When we arrived, Jeannie (B) had just shot her first buck. Everyone got an opportunity to see the deer gutted. Now that's big excitement for a little boy named Isaiah and a reason for me to stay inside and cook or clean a toilet or something more exciting like that. The Behrendts also shot 2 more deer and filled their tags! The guys all went duck hunting too and took isaiah and Josiah - they got one measly duck and sat there all day long. Shawn cooked for us - we had pheasant with mushroom cream sauce and he also made some kind of asian duck. It was a big game weekend.
There was a bit of snow on the ground and since we haven't gotten anything good to speak of - anything was enough to sled. The kids exhausted each part of the yard until the snow was al used up. They had a blast. Josiah came in and jungle boy had no socks on, flip flops, and gym shorts - 23 degrees - go figure. We played games, went to Quinn's Hot Springs, scrapbooked, watched Amazing Grace and ate so much that we all felt sick half the time. Colleen and I stayed up until WWWAAAAAYYYY past our bedtimes one night - it is our Plains ritual and usually happens on a night when we are both tired and plan to go to bed early. We get yacking and our mouths take over our bodies and there is just no stopping them.
God is so good. We are blessed with so many things to be thankful for and we are well aware of them this Thanksgiving. Click here for more photos!

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